The VA Code Sheet: What it is and Why it’s Important

199th Light Infantry Brigade soldiers moving in skirmish line Operation Rang Dong 1967

199th Light Infantry Brigade soldiers moving in skirmish line through a rice paddy -Operation Rang Dong 1967

I’ve never understood why the VA code sheet isn’t automatically provided to Veterans after every decision. I realize the VA considers it a “work product” for internal use, but it isn’t as if it includes any super-secret sensitive information. Maybe the VA is afraid it might turn out to be useful for some Veterans?

The VA authors an updated VA code sheet after every decision on a claim. It includes several different pieces of information, but most notably it includes:

  • A list of your service-connected conditions as well as the effective dates and past/current disability percentages.

  • A list of medical conditions that were claimed in the past but were denied.

  • Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) entitlement, if eligible.

  • A list of your past and current overall disability rating.

  • The 4-digit diagnostic code (DC) that the VA has used to rate your service-connected condition(s).

  • Whether or not your service-connected conditions are considered “static.”

1st Cavalry Division Artillery firing towed howitzer Operation Henry Clay 1966

1st Cavalry Division Artillery firing towed howitzer -Operation Henry Clay 1966

Whether or not the VA considers your service-connected conditions as static is important. If they are listed as “static” it means the VA has decided they are permanent and it is unlikely that they will improve. The VA will not schedule Routine Future Examinations to reevaluate your static ratings unless they are presented with evidence that the conditions have improved. This provides quite a bit of peace of mind with not having to worry about future exams and potential changes to your rating.

For those Veterans who are rated at 100%, having your conditions designated as static will make you “permanent and total” and eligible for additional benefits like CHAMPVA healthcare for your dependents, VA dental care through the VA, education benefits for your dependents, and more.

1st Cavalry Division soldier rappelling from helicopter

1st Cavalry Division soldier rappelling from a helicopter

The VA uses the 4-digit diagnostic codes from the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD) to categorize and rate every service-connected medical condition. For instance PTSD is typically rated under DC 9411 and TBI under DC 8045. In some circumstances, knowing which diagnostic code the VA has used to rate your service-connected conditions can be a very useful piece of information to have.

There are some medical conditions that can be rated under more than one diagnostic code, and the VA is required by law to choose the diagnostic code that is gives the Veteran the highest rating. Unfortunately, in some cases the VA has been known to use the diagnostic code that is the least advantageous for the Veteran, resulting in a lower rating.

Not every disability has a diagnostic code in the VASRD. In such circumstances the VA uses an analogous rating which is chosen based on what condition and its corresponding diagnostic code most closely matches the Veteran’s symptoms.

In certain circumstances the VA may use an 8-digit diagnostic code to classify a condition. They do this when the Veteran’s disability is based on a residual condition. The first four digits represent the initial condition and the last four digits represent the residual condition. The VA will also do this when they take the position that symptoms overlap and they can’t differentiate which symptom is from which condition, like combining PTSD and TBI into DC 9411-8045.

4th Infantry Division soldiers moving toward a hut -Vietnam 1967

Getting your VA code sheet allows you to verify that your service-connected conditions are rated under the correct diagnostic code. You can then look up the VA’s rating criteria for that disability code and make sure you’re rated correctly based on your current symptoms. You can also see if your conditions are considered static, and if not, when to expect your Routine Future Examination.

If you request your VA Claims File, your most recent and past VA code sheets should all be in there. If you have an accredited representative like a VA Accredited Agent or Accredited Attorney who has access to the Veterans Benefit Management System (VBMS) they should be able to provide a copy of it to you.


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